These particular snaps are from the New York Fashion's Night Out catwalk show (the biggest catwalk show in history or something like that, I haven't been following FNO because I know it would depress me to see all this amazing stuff I can't go to). The organisers chose to reproduce the exact looks from the shows back in the spring, a choice which I personally agree with. Although it would definitely have been easier for the make-up and hair people to prep God knows how many models in the same way, so much of this season's impact has been about the look as a whole-a return to the 60s, beehives and all, at Prada, for example)-that to render all the looks the same would have marred the spectacle somewhat. Now, disappointed about having missed it, I can look forward to seeing FNO action on a Gossip Girl season 4 episode later this month. Say what, Gossip Girl? Oh yeah, that little show...Guess I'm looking forward to it, as one does...(OH MY GOD IT STARTS NEXT TUESDAY I'M SO EXCITED, IT LOOKS AMAZING, I LOVE CHUCK SO MUCHH). Right, sorry, I'm off to hyperventilate...

there are so many things that i wish i could do in fashion, and photography is one of those things! loved the looks at the fno show!
It would be an exhilarating experience, wouldn't it?
I have to say, I'm loving the fact that the beehive is coming back in. All things 60s get the thumbs up from me. ;)
Oh and re: your comment, I think you should definitely give Catcher in the Rye another go. It's not for everybody, that's for sure, but there's every chance you'll like it better now and I'd hate for you to miss out on that experience.
The quote is beautiful, no? It's actually from a movie, called Blue Velvet, directed by David Lynch. It's not for the faint-hearted (very violent and disturbing), so if you're planning on seeing it, I recommend you keep a blanket handy to shield your eyes if need be - I know I certainly needed one, hehe.
cute! :)
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