So I was thinking of maybe just posting photos I like, but which aren't so connected? Which would kind of turn this into a more tumblr-kind thing-I don't love it, but it's either that or no posts at all because time is getting more and more precious! So please comment your opinions on this, would be verryyy helpful.
This motley collection is meant to be of fur pieces (ideally they'd all be fake, as after seeing the fur protestors outside Harrods I am now violently opposed to the stuff as clothes, but of course it's fashion so sadly it's probably not. I am in no way condoning fur, I just think these are nice photos). Interpret them how you will. Happy weekend.
I like having semi-themed posts but if you are in a time crunch random photos are cool too. You having an amazing collection of photos and I love to read your writing (seriously, write a book and publish immediately so that I may read it :) so I think no posts is better than none. I don't know what 6th form is as I'm from the States. Is it incredibly busy because it's right before uni or something?
hmm, i think that if your just doing photos, then you might as well use tumblr? i definitely know how you feel with the first paragraph. what I do is I put all the stuff I'm going to post on my desktop, once I post it I move it to a folder. And sometimes I go through my photo archive to look at old unposted stuff.
i need some in my life.
I agree with you, I think fur looks amazing but I only ever wear fake. These photos are just beautiful though. Thank you for your lovely comment too, I am so glad to find someone else who loves Greengage Summer, it's just so good!
From Carys of La Ville Inconnue
Great post! You've got good taste.
i know what you mean when you say it is difficult to post a post with pictures based on a theme . i've tried it and my eyeballs nearly fell out of their sockets . anyhow , i think that even if you do a random post , it'll still be awesome coz you've got a great collection and some good taste , so you'd probably still pick good photos to post .
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