Sunday, 27 December 2009
Saturday, 26 December 2009
The bracelet is from our old au pair in South Africa (it has rhino, lion, elephant and leopard head charms).
The necklace is from this really cool shop we found in Palma (Mallorca)-on the ground floor it's full of tubs of shells, coral, stones and hundreds of other natural home ornaments; then in the basement it's got three walls of trays two feet deep divided into little squares, and each of those little squares has different beads or necklace charms or rings or whatever. The walls are hung with bare chains or leather strings, and you can mix and match to create your own jewellery (they also have loads of ready-to-buy necklaces and bracelets too). It's awesome. Unfortunately I don't know its name, or how to get their either-we stumbled across it by chance.
The ring is from Accessorize and is sadly a little out of shape because it came with one of those sticky tags around the circle bit and I couldn't unpick it with my bitten nails, so I was pulling and tugging and then realised the perfect circle had been stretched into an oval instead...smooth eh...it still fits my fat fingers though!

Jack Wills Christmas Term Handbook by Eleanor Hardwick

(jackwills.co.uk; flickr.com)
A Late Happy Christmas
Had a wonderful time in Switzerland-the snow was so beautiful and luckily the resort wasn't too busy. I love the mountains. At the risk of sounding pretentious, I can safely say that whenever we leave I feel that little ache in my chest you get when you see a really beautiful editorial or listen to a piece of music that touches your mood exactly. Ok, forget pretentious, I sound barking mad. Ah, psh, it's all the turkey/chocolate/stilton playing tricks on my mind.
Anyway, today we still have presents left to open, a reluctant dog to walk and a veritable bounty of food to keep eating. But tomorrow the dreaded mocks revision must begin...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH...stressed, moi? Never...Anyway I will try to keep blogging during the holidays, building up posts for next year (how weird does that sound?! Also-2010...strange to be moving away from the whole 'two-thousand-and-' thing).
Enjoy the rest of your holidays!

Sunday, 6 December 2009
Chloe Bello by David Bellemere
Friday, 4 December 2009
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Saturday, 28 November 2009
Blake Lively-Eleanor Parker
Ever since I first saw this shoot with Blake Lively for American Vogue it's been nagging at my mind (and seeing as this was a spring cover-I think-that's a long time). The other day I finally realised who all the shots reminded me of: Eleanor Parker in The Sound of Music (one of THE most legend films of all time). Finding the answer to a really annoying, trivial question is possibly one of the most satisfying things in the world-like when you see an actor in a film who you recognise, but can't work out what other films they've been in. And then 5 hours later in bed you realise where you've seen them before, but you can't enlighten anyone else about your genius brainwave because they're all in bed. It is a mark of my incredible loser-ness that I often turn my light on and write a little note to myself so that I'll remember to brag about it to people the next morning...but anyway...Blake and Eleanor juxtapositioned here as a mark of my geniosity.

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