Friday, 8 May 2009

A Surprising Piece of Eye Candy

I walk through Marks and Spencer every morning on the way to school, and often the shortcut turns into a longcut as I'm diverted away from the main aisleway (I swear they should charge toll for all the commuters/school pupils who walk through there on a daily basis) towards the beautifully packaged, sinfully tempting food which M&S is just so good at. But this past week my eye's been turning away from the food towards this pretty belt which has been artfully placed just as you come round a corner. I love the bow, which isn't too prissy to look primary-school, but adds a touch of feminity to what would otherwise be another boring waist belt. It comes in other colours too-my favourite is the hot pink (it would go so well with a black dress and killer heels) but there's also blue as well as a more utilitarian black. And the best thing of all-if my permanent money deficit is ever solved, it's only 6 pounds-equivalent to 2 trips to Starbucks! I like.

Skinny Bow Belt-£6

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