Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Hell Warmed Up

I. HATE. REVISION. I spent 7 HOURS revising German this afternoon, with only one or two breaks. I mean, seriously. How did I even do that?! And the worst thing is, I'm totally behind and am going to run out of time. On Monday I have a maths mock (because I'm in the top set I'm doing my maths GCSE early in November, so this summer's exam counts as our mock) and I haven't even started maths. I think I feel a few all-nighters heading my way...

Anyway, that's my excuse for why my blogs have been so few and far between recently. I'm catching up on The Hills in my (very limited) free time. Well, not quite catching up as watching it from start to finish. I'm at the beginning of season 4 at the moment. Is it really bad that I want to be Lauren so much I could kill her? The worst thing is that, unlike Gossip Girl (aka my life's passion) The Hills is a reality TV that's not depressing or anything!

I can't believe it's Wednesday already. This has been the quickest half term ever. I'm not even remotely rested and I only have 2 more proper sleep-ins left because of rowing on the weekend! Aaaagh, panic!!!

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