Sunday, 16 January 2011


Whilst perusing various blogs in a spate of internet-induced procrastination, I came across the first photo below, taken by an enterprising blogger using a stool and photoshop. And thus my encyclopaedic (real word? You decide.) mind was off and away on a pleasant ramble...

First stop: this photo which was part of a campaign for flmbljmbl, the well-known clothes retailer...

...which looked like someone floating on the surface of a swimming pool...

...and again...

...which reminded me of Keira Knightley's death scene in Atonement where the tube station floods and she floats away into the darkness (Google would only yield a behind-the-scenes photo I'm afraid...on the upside, it's an amusingly extreme version of photobombing)...

...which looks like these spectacular underwater shots I found on Google aeons ago when I was searching for photos of mermaids. Caj...

...which looks like the rather enigmatic trailer for the new series of Skins! (There is a more conventional (it took me about 30 seconds to think of that word, for some reason) one up now...things aren't looking good. Come back series 1 cast!).

I think you'll agree that these photos prove I am a pretty cool person.



mirjam schuurkamp said...

great photograph Really love it!
wish i had pictures like that (L)

Love xo model from holland
newbie, everyday a new post come check me out(L)

Ramona said...

These are amazing photos and without doubt YOU ARE COOL & STYLISH PERSON! ;)

xo Ra

Mugdha said...

This was the greatest string of thought process ever, haha. Love the underwater mermaid pictures!

Stop By, if you want: A Vigilant Muse

Jamie-Lee Burns said...

wow that's a clever idea - not sure if I'd be skilled enough at photoshop to do that though!

Loving the underwater ones too x

Ashley/ MILK TEETHS said...

whoa these photos are trippy! I especially like the under water series. oh and encyclopedic IS a real word ;)


Jess said...

for some reason, i think i remember that the campaign photo (photo2) was made from jumping pictures flipped sideways, interesting way to approach it, no?

Charleston said...

trippy and atmospheric, i love them

Charlotte said...

I love underwater photos, they all look so graceful. Thank you for the comment x

chuck n. said...

you have a great blog.