This is the first time in my life that I've blogged photos more than once (the Kai Z Feng ones from Vogue UK April 2010) but if anyone deserves it it's Clemence. I think you are either a Chloe Sevigny or a Clemence Poesy kind of person, and I fall firmly in the latter category. The word insousiance might have been invented for her-nobody is meant to have hair that looks so good tousled; it's just not fair. Yet she also looks amazing in a sexy secretary outfit. Gah, why do I not share her genes...yeah basics why am I not her full stop.
Happy weekend y'all!
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God, I just love her. So worthy of more than one post. I have to say I never thought of it as chloe vs. clemence, interesting :) Chloe Sevigny is actually the only "celebrity" who I have real distaste for and I am definitely in the clemence camp.
clemence poesy is so beautiful!
she would make a great model, but she's a pretty great actress too.
i really want to see her back in movies again
Castor Pollux
She's super cute and glam. Don't know enough about her so happy you posted these pics : ) Great style.
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