Friday, 5 November 2010


It was a happy coincidence that I watched the new Rihanna video today, on Guy Fawkes' Night. (A day which is not celebrated as it should be. I hanker for the Just William days, when kiddies would make guys and wheel them around in pushchairs for charity). I actually liked it a lot-it makes such a change to see a music video where, instead of smouldering at the camera while performing ridiculously snappy dance moves which give you sympathetic neck-crick, the singer actually smiles and looks like they're having a nice whimsy bit of fun. The flowers and the swing and her outfit and the tree with the lanterns all reminded me of Tim Walker a lot-and the location was otherworldly! Basically, a thumbs up from me.

The cool firework bit made me meander off on a mental tangent... saved photos of fireworks... the Peter Pilotto x Kipling bags... the Erdem A/W '10 show. There, that's how my mind works!



Rebecca Maureen said...

Now that is good. Your mind must be a style encyclopedia.

Jess said...

hha yay! i do that too. everything ends up related to fashion for me =b
loved that erdem dress, obsessed with the idea of a gown with sleeves.
and i responded to what you said on my blog =D

Unknown said...

beautifull thinks!!
Regards from utopia with red smoke :)