Tuesday, 10 August 2010


I'm a very low maintenance person. I wear minimal make-up (in the winter, I'll stretch to eye liner as well as mascara and face powder if I'm going out somewhere big, but that is literally it) and I do absolutely nothing with my hair. I have a generic, straight-through cut, and all I do is wash it in the evening, brush it out and let it dry overnight while I sleep. Nothing else. Sometimes, though, I wish I had the skill/patience to do something with my hair, because while the messy bun is all very well, a noncholant-looking plait can be even better.

(pastafrola.net; naad-naad-naad.blogspot.com; moegustafsson.blogspot.com; katrinekrojby.blogspot.com; inafractionofasecond.blogspot.com; fadetoblackny.blogspot.com; thecherryblossomgirl.com; fashiongonerogue.com)


luciana said...

really beautiful pictures :)

Anonymous said...

love the photos too :)

Sabrina said...

love them too!

who needs more than a bit eyeliner and messy hair for going out?
Love that!