Monday, 7 June 2010


Details. Literally all I have time for, gotta go rowing now (and it's about to rain, oh I love my life...) but no exams tomorrow so better posts soon, promise!



rebecca said...

haha you shouldn't feel like that because it's really not enjoyable, at least if you're not in a big city like prague. it's unbelievable how far behind they are, i saw some old women cut down grass with scythes and then carry the grass with a wooden wheelbarrow. i was like ok, which century did they leave me in? :D

supercalifragilisticexpialidocious said...

your comment on my blog was probably my favorite comment of the week :D :D haha thanks for liking the bag and my amazing photoshop skills , very very appreciated :D and isn't it amazing how these people's waists can be so interesting ????