Friday, 28 May 2010


Sorry for not posting yesterday, I had nationals in Nottingham and was pretty shattered by the time I got back. We came second, so combined with the disgusting weather I'm not in the best mood today but it's my birthday tomorrow so at least there's that to look forward to!

Anyway, onto more interesting topics. Fashionista recently wrote about how summer editorials are all fairly identical and boring after a while, so I thought I would investigate. Here is a variety of shots from swimsuit editorials, and while they all look fairly similar, there's definitely enough difference to qualify them all as interesting in their own right. Well, I think so anyway. Anyone else think differently?



luciana said...

Ohhhh, I love the first swimsuit! :)
it's so wonderful...

Barbara von Enger said...

Whilst all pictures are gorgeously photographed -I am quite in love with the first and last photographs in this collection - So eternally chic;-)

Sabo Skirt said...

Wow...we are speechless. These pictures are all perfect. And so are the models!

xx .sabo skirt.