Monday, 25 January 2010


Not all of his photos are that fashion-y, but some gems in there despite that. I'm a sucker for an atmospheric landscape with mist rolling across...and he does them kinda nicely! Also, how excited are you guys for the couture shows?! I'm waiting so impatiently for to get their pictures up it's ridiculous. I absolutely loved Dior last season, I wanted to wear every single one of those amazing full skirts and wasp-waisted jackets, so excited to see what's been dreamt up for the first couture shows of the new decade!!

LOOK! He went to Narnia!!

This little hand symbol comes up when you change pages on his site, it's so cute! My friend has a ring like it and the heart is exactly the same colour as the earrings of the red-headed girl 12 pictures or so up. Coincidence? I think not.

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