Monday, 8 June 2009

Study Leave

After a weekend of very, very minimal revision (for minimal see 'a half-hearted attempt to make some music notes in the last half an hour of babysitting when I realised I'd spent four hours watching tv) I was then blessed with almost the whole day off today, bar an hour when I had to go into school for a French oral (inconvenient, but what can you do, eh?). Granted, I spent the morning inwardly panicking because I suddenly realised that, instead of easily bluffing my way through the practice questions, I was in fact finding it difficult to switch my mind to French and overcome the urge to say everything in German.

Literally, in the B role play I was practising (simple role play where you're given prompts in order to answer the examiner's questions):
'Say what type of job you would like', followed by a picture of either a football, an ice skater or a guy sitting at a desk.
Hm, well I'm guessing the football means I want to work at a sports centre. Not sure what the other two pictures are but never mind, I'll go with the sports centre.
'Je...' hang on, how do you say 'I would like' in French again? 'Ich no, that's German! Shit, I would like! Aaah!! Oh yes, 'je voudrais'.
'Je voudrais ins Sport-' no no, French! No confusing word order here, just keep it niice and simple. And it's 'dans', not 'ins'.
'Je voudrais travailler dans un centre sportif''.
Finally, I managed to form a correct sentence in 30 seconds when it should have taken me 3. great work!

You get the idea. Anyway in the end the oral went fine. She asked me more than a couple of questions I had no idea how to answer ('Why did you start rowing?'. Search me, I don't even know how to answer that in English) but at the end she said it was very good. Well look at that, what skills!

Anyway I have tomorrow off too because the art exams take up two days (haha, I knew choosing music was the best idea ever) and then I have Wednesday morning off too because of Russian exams. And even after I finally return to school, the exams (Maths II-which, after getting 87% in Maths I I'm not too worried about-music performance, music listening, Chemistry, and Physics and Biology practical papers) aren't even that difficult. Ah, I feel so happy. I love study leave!

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