Oh my god, I feel so ridiculously proud of myself. You know how I mentioned once how sad it is that the huge majority of my photo collection is in a massive pile on my bedroom floor instead of usefully digitalised on my computer? Well, I took the first steps towards that mass digitalisation and so here are the first photos...(yes they're a bit out of focus but ssh, they're clear enough). These actually came from the Sunday Telegraph magazine supplement called Stella (highbrow or
what), taken by someone called Jean-Francois Carly. Although clearly a newspaper supplement is never going to have Vogue-like exotic shoots they actually come up with some pretty decent studio versions on a regular basis.
I could seriously do with taking some layering inspiration from these shots-I've spent literally all of half term in rowing kit, trackies or pyjamas (and that is not an exaggeration. I actually haven't worn anything else) but tomorrow I'm planing to go shopping so will have to think of a slightly craftier way to keep warm! Problematic when you consider that the very nature of shopping requires you to engage in frequent stripping in confined spaces, and therefore an abundance of layers is not particularly desirable...